Service Area

Servicing Wisconsin

We specialize in servicing the following communities within the following zip codes:

  • 54115

  • 54155

  • 54311

  • 54173

  • 54313

  • 54301

  • 54302

  • 54303

  • 54304

  • 54307

  • 54171

If you are interested in our bin cleaning service or have any questions, contact us today!

Garbage bin cleaning service area map

Clean one plant one

Planting trees provides many benefits such as food, forage for animals and improves our environment. Our vision is to plant thousands of trees each year. We strive to give back more than what we take from the environment. This is Northwoods Bin Cleaners commitment to the planet, as we want to continue leaving a lasting impression for many generations to come.

Ready to Plant Trees?